Art by Chu… another huge inspirational and veteran webcomicker that I look up to a lot!

Rounding up the guest art this month with this really sweet and thoughtful gift art recently done by Chu. The Terrific Trio in all their cheesiness and expressiveness — I absolutely LOVE Chu’s depiction of all three of them!

SlumberTown tends to be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster at times. Perhaps because I, myself, am emotional and I think a lot of that comes through in my work haha. I think because SlumberTown is so thematically attuned to all the funky emotional and expressive properties of the mind, it’s a real treat to see art that also plays on a similar theme. And gosh, do I think Chu nailed all three of them quite well, down to Boone’s explosive excitement, Romy’s puddles of tears and Echo’s cool and repressive exterior (as well as her discomfort with being touched, which is something I’m not sure I’ve really shown in the comic yet… that was a really welcome touch!).

Chu’s a veteran webcomic artist and as such, I was truly humbled to have them read and enjoy my work to this extent. :’ ) Thank you, Chu!

If for some reason you’ve never heard of Slightly Damned or Chu’s other work like The Junk Hyenas Diner… go immerse yourself in their work!: Slightly Damned