Page 1.179: Team Names
Every friendship needs a team name. OBVIOUSLY. Too bad Boone can’t come up with any good ones.
Don’t really have a special team name for the patrons either, although they’re all awesome team players! Thanks so much to: Roque Mapache, Vi, Sczaric, Buttercup, Joe Hamrick, Foxrock, River Buizel, RootGryph, Cautious Imber, RedAgent14, ClefdeSoll, Devin T Gering, Morgan, Sherry, Kathy, Patrice, Lauren, Constantine Justovic, Jinx Wolf, SparkyBlaze, Vintron Exonite, Red, Cailan, Kate, Corduroy, Brabbit, Kat Macabray, DeerBoi, Pepper Clarke, Weirdfoe, Chu, Buster and BringBack1996!
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The threekers is the only acceptable name from now on.
I mean, it’s clever wordplay!!! You just have to explain it any time someone asks.
“They call us the threekers! I guess that’s what they are!”
There was one point where I actually legitimately considered this as their “team name” but I couldn’t get over how silly it sounded.
How about… Mysterious Mystery Squad.
Or The Dynamic Duo Plus Boone.
PFFFF, but Boone brings so much of the DYNANICISM!!!
Second panel put a genuine smile on my face and the rest of the page made me chuckle, especially Romy’s expression at the end there. Fantastic work.
That second panel is such a good one and I’m glad everyone else seems to like it as much as I do, haha! The Romy hug is the sweetest freaking thing in the world.