Page 1.168: Moonview
Only in SlumberTown can you visit the moon and still get that nice panoramic view of your neighborhood.
I’m enjoying the view with the patrons! Special thanks as always to everyone who’s supported the comic: Roque Mapache, Vi, Sczaric, Buttercup, Joe Hamrick, Foxrock, River Buizel, RootGryph, Cautious Imber, RedAgent14, ClefdeSoll, Devin T Gering, Morgan, Sherry, Kathy, Patrice, Lauren, Constantine Justovic, Jinx Wolf, SparkyBlaze, Vintron Exonite, Red, Cailan, Triko, Corduroy, Brabbit, Kat Macabray, DeerBoi, Pepper Clarke and Weirdfoe. 🙂
I’ve recently posted the thumbnails to the last 10 pages of Book 1. You can check that out for just a mere $3 a month, and it helps support the comic a TON!:
Is Echo just reclining onto her wings? Or is it just dreamtime goofiness?
One might argue it could be both!!!
“Subway sounds, sounds of complaint, the smell of acid on her gun of paint..”
So many songs to add to the playlist!