Just an extra special thank you to you all. Whether you’re reading on the main website, Tapas, ComicFury (or Webtoon, in which case, you won’t even see this until much later), I am so highly appreciative to you for giving my series a chance.

I started developing SlumberTown in 2018. It was a conglomeration of a lot of old story ideas and themes I’d had in my head through the years. And on February 4th, 2019, I released the first page of SlumberTown… with full intentions of seeing it through to the end. I’m just not sure I had faith in myself in the beginning that I COULD.

This has been more than just a creative journey for me. It’s been… a life journey, and I think that’s what this series will continue to be for me going forward. During the three years I was making Book 1 of SlumberTown, I left my old data entry job, I pursued therapy, and I turned 30 years old (exactly 1 month ago!) – so to say this project turned my life around in all the best ways would still be an understatement. The characters, world, and the comics and stories themselves… have been a refuge for me. And I like to think it was also a refuge for others – for readers who were also struggling and learning to accept themselves, and maybe find a bit of solace during the hard times that the pandemic has put us through.

SlumberTown takes the term “personal project” to a pretty literal level. Through Romy, I was able to explore a part of myself that I was always too ashamed and embarrassed to share as a writer. My life experience growing up with social anxiety and striving to find connection and community… it’s always been really integral to my growth as a person – what’s steered me into my life decisions and “finding myself”. Romy represents a voice that I think was always trying to break free from me… ever since I was a kid! So she was the perfect candidate to become the heart of SlumberTown and everything it means to me. To be able to share experiences of struggle and self-discovery through these characters is a big part of what keeps this series existing – as stories that I feel really need to be told. Even if it’s just a way of letting someone else know “hey, you’re not alone”, I feel I’ve achieved everything I’ve wanted to achieve with SlumberTown and more.

Of course, this isn’t the end! Far from it. I still have so much story left to tell. I hope you’ll continue to stick around for more. Until then though, I wanted to let it be known that I really appreciate the readership. The purpose of these stories and comics is to share a lot of the color in my own imagination, mind and heart… with those willing to open up to them. It means so much to me that you’ve come along for the ride – and that you are willing to accept my gift that I want to give to the world. : )

Stay tuned for Monday, because… we’re about to get an interesting set of updates very soon!