Slumber Residents

The townsfolk of Slumber sure are a kooky bunch!

Romy’s the new face in town. Her social anxiety is pretty bad, and she’s kinda awkward and shy… but she’s trying pretty hard to make friends and settle into her new job. She can’t remember why she moved to Slumber, which is a strange thing not to know – perhaps she’ll figure that out eventually.

Romy’s excitable new cowork – er, pal! He likes to talk a lot. And he seems fairly scatterbrained and disorganized considering he’s in charge of mentoring Romy. His playful nature may not be particularly professional, but he seems like a guy who is trying his best to be a good and reliable friend.

Romy’s other coworker… a young detective with a mysterious aura. She seems to mask her feelings a lot, which makes her come across distant and aloof at first. It’s possible she knows more about the mysteries in Slumber than she tends to let on. She also doesn’t really talk that much about herself.

The older detective who works at the Looking Glass agency. He has an authoritative yet reserved demeanor. It seems the townsfolk respect him a lot, but he keeps busy in his work, rarely engaging with them on a personal level. Like Echo, he tends to keep to himself. Maybe it’s just a detective thing.

An alcoholic bum often seen hanging around the saloon. He has a boisterous laugh, and comes off a bit intimidating when drunk. He prefers to be in a drunken state to cope with turbulent mood swings. Despite being an entire mess, the townsfolk still treat him as they would any other neighbor.

A small, kindly lady who seems a bit more financially well off compared to the other residents. Despite her inherited wealth, she comes across as pretty generous and charitable. Her family heirloom apparently means a lot to her, and she enjoys tailoring in most of her spare time.